

Welcome!  If you are here and found me through the internet you may have a story similar to my own. I'm not just another natural beauty product maker. I have a passion for God's green earth and believe that nature can heal better than imaginable. Growing up in Southern Ontario, my mom modelled using nature for everything from salad dressings to salves. Thank goodness I was paying attention! When my husband needed help with his cracked dry hands from working outdoors in the winter, I called my mom for her recipe. That is where all this started, and since then I have put my research skills (University was good for a few things) to the test, researching ancestral ways. From plants, to tallow, flowers and beeswax, it all has a place in this shop and in our own human history! So welcome! I am glad you are here and I hope you enjoy our products as much as I do. 


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